Applying for universities in the UK – some thoughts

In the past few years after moving to London for my undergraduate studies, I have had the honour of talking to some extremely bright individuals about their applications for undergraduate studies in UK universities.  This post is about some thoughts that I think could help anyone willing to apply for an undergraduate degree in the…

Some Ideas from TEDx LSE

Design things that matter And I think that applies to business people, architects, designers etc. I guess it’s very tightly connected to the question of what matters in your life? Or what gives your life a sense of direction? Follow your dreams and passions Because in the end of the day, especially when things get…

How to become a science junkie

articol publicat in numarul 4 din 2011 al revistei Stiinta si Tehnica The Times Cheltenham Science Festival este locul unde anual se întâlnesc oamenii din Marea Britanie care au ceva de zis în ştiinţă. Şi nu e vorba doar de cei mai buni cercetători şi academicieni, ci mai ales de cei mai buni comunicatori ai…

Dear Aspire Academy Fellows

Dear Aspire Academy Fellows, I’m writing this letter only a few days after our adventure in Poiana Brasov ended. Though the week spent together felt like a month, and the past days flew by, I already miss you all. I wish I could see you and talk to you a lot more often. You are…

Aspire Academy – the end

[You can read the beginning and the middle by clicking on the links.] The last two days of the camp were super accelerated. We began day 6 by talking to Phil Malone about technology in leadership and entrepreneurship. One of the most striking case studies was Ushahidi, a web platform that builds tools for democratizing…

Aspire Academy – the middle

[You can read about the beginning here.] So the story goes like this: imagine your plane crashed in the Arctic. You are with 6 people. Decide upon the most important items to take with you in a quest towards the closest city. If you do not reach consensus, you die. Of course that in real life…

aspire academy – the beginning

Aspire Academy e prima experienţă educaţională din România pe care o am de când am plecat să studiez la London School of Economics acum un an. Drept urmare, am început şcoala de vară acum 3 zile cu aşteptări foarte ridicate legate nu doar de conţinut, dar mai ales de participanţi şi vorbitori, dar poate, mai…

My TedX Speech

A speech delivered almost about a year ago, at TedX Iasi. Not easy to watch again, but deffinitely a very good strategy of learning how to improve for the future 🙂 English translation: Host: To move on and to prove that Romania has already started to take the first steps, if you want to call…


Being 19 was great. It was one of those years when you look back to how you were a month before and you realise that you are different. I had to to do so many things I would have never thought I would be able do this year. But as you become older, you become…

the tale of two cities – part two

Şi mai există, totuşi, o Londra: cea universitară. Despre care am început să aflu şi să descopăr mai mult abia de luni, 27 septembrie, deşi sunt în cămin de pe 19. E atât de diferită atmosfera de acum faţă de cea de până duminică, pe 26. Probabil şi săptămâna viitoare lucrurile vor sta altfel. În…